Goji berry drying room and goji berry drying machine mainly use the principle of heat pump drying, which can meet the high-quality drying requirements of most thermosensitive materials. They are close to natural drying, resulting in good color, high activity, and maximum retention of ingredients without loss or minimal loss.
Manufaturer of goji berry drying room
Goji berry heat pump drying room product features:
- The goji berry heat pump drying room integrates the heat pump system with the drying room, and the unique design of the drying room air distribution system is suitable for drying and dehumidifying any item.
- Heat exchange system, closed loop system can provide circulating heating, and a small amount of supplied heat yields a large drying and dehumidification efficiency.
- The complete set of equipment in the goji berry drying room is designed with a 30mm thick polyurethane insulation layer, and the heat loss during the drying process is close to “0”.
- High energy efficiency heat pump system, air distribution system, closed cycle system, insulation system, with a comprehensive energy efficiency of over 400%.
- The operating costs of the drying room are 71% to 76% lower than traditional methods, and 24% lower than the industry average cost level of heat pump drying rooms.
Drying process of goji berry dryer:
Spread the fresh goji berries evenly on the material tray and place them on the cart.
During the accelerated drying stage, the temperature in the goji berry drying room rises to 35 ℃ -40 ℃, with a circulating wind speed of 2.3 meters per second and a temperature of 37 ℃ -45 ℃. When the circulating wind speed is 1.3 meters per second, the transmission of hot air and the diffusion and evaporation of free water in fresh goji berries accelerate. Especially, the goji berry skin loses up to 50% of its water content, causing wrinkles on the skin. The structural water in the flesh also slowly seeps out and evaporates from the pores in the skin. In the next stage, the speed of dehydration increases, and the sugar concentration in the fruit increases, inhibiting the activity of activating enzymes and protecting the main components such as polysaccharides, vitamins, and amino acids from conversion or loss. It particularly protects the red pigment, resulting in high red color and quality of dried fruits.
Constant speed drying stage. Due to the leakage of water from the fruit, the skin of fresh fruit accumulates sufficient non bound water. This is because the surface water vapor pressure is basically the same as the temperature and pressure, which compresses the internal water of the fruit and quickly moves to the surface to meet the needs of surface water vaporization. When the water loss rate in the fruit reaches nearly 50%, the indoor temperature of the new goji berry dryer naturally rises to 50 ℃ -55 ℃, and the circulation wind speed can be slightly reduced. The less water the fruit contains, the shorter the dehydration time. This period lasts about 12 hours. A large amount of dehydration causes the fruit to shrink in size, which is commonly referred to as a semi dry state. During this period, the fruit is weighed and measured for water content, which is about 30%.
Slow down drying stage. When the moisture content of the fruit drops to a certain value (around 30%), the thermal conductivity inside the fruit decreases, and the temperature difference between inside and outside increases. When the indoor hot air reaches 55 ℃ -60 ℃, due to the decreasing moisture content inside the fruit, the rate of water evaporation decreases, and the water leakage is slow, so it still takes considerable time to slowly discharge. This period takes about 10 hours to reduce the fruit’s moisture content to below 13%.